Monday, July 22, 2013


It's hard to believe the calendar is already telling us that summer is half over.

June was a busy month for us.  Brad and Holly were married on June 7th.  Randy and I attended, for the first time, The Memphis Quartet Show.  Elvis even made a surprise visit...LOL! 

Randy and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary.

June ended with my routine, quarterly MRI, which required a follow-up visit to I U Med Center.   


Our follow-up appointment in Indy was last Wednesday.  Unfortunately, it was not the 
report we had hoped for.  From the original tumor bed (on the right side) there  is a 
band of several small spots along the base of my brain going from right to left, 
eventually leading to a spot (1/2inch in size).  While the Avastin I was receiving was to 
starve any new cells blood supply, it may have found its way to another source.  The 
neurologist will be conferring with my radiation oncologist here to find out exactly what 
part of my brain received radiation.  If that section on the left did receive radiation, 
they'll have to do more testing to figure out what it is.  If it wasn't included in the 
treatment, it most likely is a new tumor.  There are treatment options if we find that is 
how we need to proceed.,I.e. radiation, chemo, continuing Avastin, or even a combination 
of a couple.  I may have to consider if additional radiation would be more beneficial 
than harmful, since it has already created some mobility issues for me.  Surgery is not 
an option...tumors are too deep.

They hope to call this week with info.
While I could choose to focus on the "bad" news, but I'm not going to do that.  If I told you there has not been 
any tears, that would not be true.   But here are the facts I DO KNOW.  I/we've have been on this journey for
over 40 months.  If you know anything about my type of cancer, that is a MIRACLE!!  I am feeling good...
looking forward to the kids/grandkids coming this week for Kid's Day at the Elkhart Count 4-H Fair.
We'll do our best to keep you updated.  As always, we appreciate your continued prayers, love, and 
support.  While I/we may not know what the future holds, but the Lord does as Jeremiah 29:11 promises me/us.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

                                                                        June 7, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wedding Bells for Brad and Holly

I decided to get a pedicure today for Brad and Holly's upcoming nuptials.  I ran in to a former employer's wife while I was there.  It made me think about neglecting my blog.

Things (physically) are status quo, so I guess it leaves me thinking, what is there to share?  Scans continue to be clear (next one at the end of June), and most days, I feel completely normal.  I guess that would depend on your definition of normal, but for me, it's good.

I would be amiss not to share my heart, especially this week.  Three years ago when I received my diagnosis, I did not know if I would be here now.  Statistics would have said "no," but statistics have nothing to do with God's plan.

In our Cancer Support Group, there was a chapter we discussed that talked about making a list of things/events we wanted to be here for.  At the top of my list was Brad's wedding, even though at that time, he had not even met Holly.

On Friday, I will enjoy watching my entire family (Randy, Brooke, Glen, Logan, Savannah, and Chloe) participate in the ceremony.  I will be the "Proud Mother of the Groom!"

I would say I'm a lucky girl, but to be completely honest, luck has nothing to do with it.  Thanks be to my Heavenly Father for bestowing these blessings on me.

P.S.  By the way, status quo is fine by me!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Here we are again...January 1st.  

As I look back over the past year (2012), there have been so many blessings.  We welcomed a new granddaughter, Chloe Ann (we share the same middle name), on August 13th.  

Randy and I were able to take a trip back to where we honeymooned 33 years ago, even staying at the same resort.  

Bradley became engaged just 2 days ago.  I told his bride, Holly, that is so neat to say a specific prayer for your child, and then to see how God answers that prayer!  Needless to say, we are looking forward to a beautiful wedding in June! 

God continues to bless me with good health.  I am so amazed sometimes how good my Heavenly Father takes care of me.  And then I think why am I surprised?  Isn't that just like Him?  Of course it is!!

At the end of the year, it sure is nice to be invited to rest in Jesus. So before we begin a new year, let's pause and place our hopes, our future, our dreams, and especially our burdens down at his feet and let him give us rest.